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Ethical Selling  -  HELPING Patients to Buy

links to two self help books - but read the introduction below first

“Selling” is often viewed as a dirty word, especially if you are the one being confronted by a “pushy” salesperson. And, of course, dental professionals don't believe in selling in this sense. However, most of us who "don't like being sold to" DO do like being HELPED! And, if a patient’s LIFE would be enhanced by a treatment that your practice can provide, then any dental professional who doesn’t try to at least inform and persuade them is LETTING THE PATIENT DOWN!

See how Rick could design an 100% tailor-made workshop to help your people achieve your goals 

A True Story
A young man damaged his front teeth playing football. Over the next 20 years he made irregular and reluctant visits to three different dentists when he needed treatment, which included two ill-fitting crowns on the damaged teeth. 

When a fourth dentist overcame his price objections while fully explaining exactly how he could have his smile restored to even better than before his injury, he was delighted and happily gave up a planned holiday to pay for the treatment. He was even happier afterwards when his self confidence surged. Then he felt angry! Why, in nearly 20 years, had no-one  in three different practices “sold” him this treatment, instead of just patching him up?


The message is that, even when patients do visit their dentist asking for help, they may still need some PERSUASION to accept a treatment that will most benefit them. And, yes, that young footballer was me, Rick Whitehead, and the experience was the inspiration for my strong belief that it is a RESPONSIBILITY of dental professionals, in any position/role, to HELP THEIR PATIENTS TO BUY.

And the good news is that I have now written two books  HELPING Patients to Buy which is 100% personalised to this responsibility of all dental professionals, and The Persuasive Professional for people in any sector  to persuasively help their clients/potential clients, as well as do their "proper job" - solicitor, accountant, vet, etc (and of course, dentist!) Follow the links for full details of both books.

“The best way to get someone to do what YOU want is to forget about what you want and focus 100% on what THEY want”

epigram number 57 from the book "THINK ABOUT IT"

In a dental practice everyone, in any position has a role to play to HELP a patient on their journey from being nervous or negative to being pleased - even excited

It's all about TEAMWORK.

The best way to HELP people CHANGE their opinions is to provide them with NEW information - which they believe !


Tailor-Made Training from Rick

A BESPOKE  4 hour workshop (any 4 hours in a day) in your practice, or off-site if you wish - £750 for up to 6

If you have two or more people you would like to refine their persuasive skills, then Rick would be delighted to design (tailor-made for them and the practice) a 4 hour workshop. His book Helping Patients to Buy would be the main teaching aid, with delegates issued copies before the event AND asked to complete a How Good Are We At HELPING Patients to Buy questionnaire.

Bespoke Workshops

Delegates learn their Bright and Dark sides and to see themselves as others see them, using the HELPING Patients to Buy Experiemtial Personality Profiling cards. Delegates are briefed to bring their own real life examples of patients to use as case studies to discuss and create action plans. The workshop would be 100% relevant, 100% practical and participative and fun; and objectively measurable for follow up!

PERSONAL COACHING - for 1 or 2 people you would like to benefit as above - from £500 for two hours

"Trying harder MAY be enough - but much better to think of DIFFERENT ways" (epigram 22 from the book "THINK ABOUT IT!")

Impetus Training, La Choza, 18 South Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 5LU - - 07831 345 373

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