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CREATIVE Strategic Planning - with JANUS Creative Planning


See below for three special introductory offers on how to USE Janus in your practice

NB: all books can be personalised - what I created, I can modify - for a minimum of 10 copies: examples, challenges, your practice name/logo on the cover etc.

JANUS is a VISUALISATION technique that ANYONE can use to improve their circumstances - work or personal. Rick created it from scratch as a result of getting fed up with executives he was trying to train being permanently pessimistic and negative about the future! "what's the point?" (of a training course, or even trying) - "just getting on with the job and doing my best" or wallowing in a blame culture - typically the government!

Faced with a demotivated team one day, he wrote on a white board "it is 12 months from now and you HAVE achieved ........" and asked them to be idealistic, aim high and describe the new, utopian situation in the future. The brainstorm that followed was tremendously cathartic and successful - and JANUS Creative Planning was born! With the name registered and book written, the rest, as they say about the future, is history! (Janus is a Roman god with the ability to see both past and future sumultaneously)

Rick then started using the process with dental professionals and wrote this book, personalised for them and their challenges.


And JANUS can take no TIME! Because it is easy to learn and apply, it quickly becomes a NEW WAY OF THINKING. Instead of it taking extra time, you will find yourself instantly visualising and describing in your mind positive outcomes - and the resulting image (eg of the now convinced and grateful patient) will spur you on!


A wonderful thing about JANUS is that, simply by thinking a little differently, ANYONE can use it - including in a group, like a practice meeting. To name but a few ......

60 pages - CLICK on this illustration of the cover to zoom in


PERSONALISATION of the book for YOUR practice TEAM

For a minimum of 5 copies of the book (discounted to £10.50 a copy) Rick will.......

  • email you a pro-forma asking for a profile of your practice 

  • ask you to study the “How Good ARE We” page of this web site and choose one of the 3 subjects - "Teamwork" (the one currently in the JANUS book) or “Customer/Patient Care” or “Helping Patients to Buy”, for inclusion in your personalised book

  • ask you to visualise a future time - eg 6 or 12 months - and consider the 8 topics in the box below and how you would like them to have improved/changed by that date - and then prioritise them (eg force rank them, or just select the most important ones)

  • draft from this information how he would recommend modifying book content to make it work for you and YOUR practice

  • consult with you as necessary to agree final content

1. patient care,  2. practice culture and working conditions, 3. teambuilding, teamworking & team spirit,  4. creating SHARED objectives and ownership, 5. individual development (CPD) 6. problem solving   7. achieving practice business objectives, strategy, marketing, 8. leadership/management,

USING Janus in your practice - INEXPENSIVELY - 3 special offers

Buy the 3 books: this one, JANUS, plus Leadership in a Dental Practice and THINK ABOUT IT! for £18 - including guidance from Rick (telephone, email) on how to use them in your circumstances.

Special Offers

or Buy the 2 books, JANUS and THINK ABOUT IT! for £15 - including guidance from Rick on how to use them.

or - two hours Personal Coaching in the practice from Rick (one or two people) including all three books for £300

"Trying harder MAY be enough - but much better to think of DIFFERENT ways" (epigram 22 from the book "THINK ABOUT IT!")

Impetus Training, La Choza, 18 South Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 5LU - - 07831 345 373

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