BESPOKE TEAMBUILDING and other Workshops from Rick
“I am now offering my famous TEAMBUILDING days again. So if, as you browse this site, you think your team might enjoy and learn from the experiences illustrated, get in touch. I am also happy to design and deliver 2 to 4 hour BESPOKE Workshops for your people on ANY of the other subjects in this site”
Truly Tailor-Made Teambuilding
As part of our preparation, team members anonymously complete a "How Good Are We At Teamwork" questionnaire of 12 key "symptoms of teamwork". Results are presented and discussed on the day - a fun and stress-free way of debating how teamworking can improve. Rick also visits practices to research their goals and needs AND the wishes of team members. NO-ONE is ever asked to participate in any activity unless they are looking forward to doing so!
Team members also help choose the VENUE - ideally a somewhere with nice outdoor gardens or surrounding countryside facilitating the actives they have chosen. This consultation with team members ensures they "look forward" to THEIR day, rather then being "sent" on a course! And, as a result, they both enjoy themselves and learn more!
Designed with 3 key considerations: 1. TeamBUILDING 2. TeamWORKING eg, communications; 3. MOTIVATING. PLUS practice goals, challenges and job skills you wish to prioritise, egs. Listening, Body Language, Assertiveness
TRULY TAILOR-MADE FEES! £950 for up to 10 team members, extra £100; including: vat, all materials, Impetus time for research visits to practice and venue; excluding: venue, accommodation costs as necessary; agreed expenses.

How to Make a
Other Truly Tailor-Made WORKshops
Teambuilding should always, by definition be for a WHOLE team, especially when there are a range of different roles with SHARED Objectives who need to work together. But smaller groups might benefit from training in specific subjects dependent on their individual strengths and weaknesses and the demands of their roles. Workshops could be on a specific situation or current challenges with “case studies” or they could be on anything featured in this site, egs HELPING Patients to Buy, Assertiveness (asking for money!) or Listening - see below for more ideas, examples and pricing
Photos below are of practices enjoying teambuilding in Devon, Cornwall, Dorset, Bristol, Yorkshire, Edinburgh. Birmingham, Blackburn and Hampshire.

click a photo to expand it and go to Happy Practices for case studies of practices Rick has helped
2 to 4 hour BESPOKE Workshops
If you have any Teamworking or Customer Care topic you wish to train or refresh team members in, Rick will happily design and deliver either a 2 hour (eg over a long lunch break) or a 4 or 8 hour workshop for you.

Maybe a situation or challenge like recruiting more patients or providing more specialised treatments or reducing waiting time; or specific functions like use of the telephone, or tasks, or roles. Whatever the topic, Rick would research your circumstances to ensure learning was practical and immediately applicable. In effect you can "pick 'n mix" from any of the subjects below to really make it productive for you.
OR... Tailor-Made for you...
Experiential Profiling - 2, 4 or 8 hours, choose from: Teamworking; Customer/Patient Care; Helping Patients to Buy; The Persuasive Professional
How Good Are WE? - 2 hours, choose from: Teamworking; Customer/Patient Care; Helping Patients to Buy
Listening and Assertiveness - 2 or 4 hours, depending on numbers, with "case studies" of real patients and situations
HELPING Patients to Buy - 2, 4 or 8 hours depending on numbers and goals, with "case studies" of real patients and situations
Our Patients are our CUSTOMERS (including Customer/Patient Care Experiential Profing) 2, 4 or 8 hours, with "case studies" of real patients
Whatever the subject prices are £500 for 2 hours, £750 for 4 hours, £950 for 8 hours up to 10 people - extra £30, £50 or £75 each