Get in touch any way you like. Use the form below or email or call (07831 345 373) to bounce ideas around; make a purchase, or maybe just to catch up if we have worked together in the past!
Prices include vat but exclude postage/delivery for Kits, books and other DIY purchases. See below for T&C, Costs Expenses

Rick Whitehead
07831 345 373
NB: orders for CUSTOMISED books will normally take 3 to 4 weeks for design, publishing and dispatch
Bespoke Events
Teambuilding Days - £950 for up to 10 team members, extra £100; including: vat, all materials (books, etc); Rick's time for research visits to practice and chosen venue; excluding: venue, accommodation costs as necessary; agreed expenses
4 hour bespoke workshops any subject - £750 for up to 6 team members, extra £50; including: vat, all materials (books, etc); Rick's time for research visits to practice and chosen venue; excluding: venue, accommodation costs as necessary; agreed expenses.
Personal Coaching: - £250 per hour - minimum 2 hours plus costs and expenses.
D.I.Y. Kits are priced individually and include all relevant equipment
7 Special Introductory Offers (via Impetus)
Buy THINK ABOUT IT! PLUS the Persuasive Professional for £15.00
25% off 5 or more books - any mix of titles
FREE customisation (min order 5) of any of Rick's dental books
D.I.Y. Kit for TEAMWORK is HALF PRICE ie £200
the D.I.Y. Kit for THINK ABOUT IT is HALF PRICE ie £75
JANUS for dentists 3 offers - see Janus page
- Leadership for dentists 3 offers - see Leadership page
How Good Are We questionnaires - Teamwork, Customer Care, or Helping Patients to Buy - customised as necessary following remote consultation and delivered electronically in Word or PDF are:
£20 for one application, £35 for two applications, £50 for all three
Teamwork in Action Behaviour Checklists - pack of 20 for £20
Assertiveness Questionnaires - pack of 20 for £20
How Well do you Listen Questionnaires - pack of 20 for £20
"THINK ABOUT IT" is £10.00; the Persuasive Professional is £12.00; other books are £14.00 each. Purchase 5 or more for a 25% discount (any mix of titles). Books required for courses and workshops (D.I.Y. or presented by Rick) are included in the fee.
NB: these are prices for books direct from Impetus. Amazon and other suppliers worldwide will differ
Experiential Profiling Bright and Dark side laminates - a choice of 5 applications - pack of 10 for £20, including instructions
Invoices are payable within 14 days of invoice date - for bespoke events we invoice a £200 deposit and the balance after the event
for orders of books, special offers, or other negotiated packages, D.I.Y. kits or "extras", we will confirm by email and invoice you AFTER delivery
orders for CUSTOMISED books will normally take 3 to 4 weeks for design, publishing and dispatch
agreements for PROGRAMMES (a series of courses and/or personal coaching of more than £500) are invoiced a third on appointment; a third mid-programme and a third on completion.
Agreed costs and expenses are invoiced as incurred plus vat where applicable: -
TRAVEL costs: motor travel 30p per mile; other travel - trains, buses, planes, taxis are charged at cost; tolls and parking, subsistence - accommodation, meals, beverages, etc, at cost;