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- for teambuilding, communications, creative planning, problem solving and boosting customer/patient care skills -

Do It Yourself Kits

Rick has always believed “delegates learn by DOING and by Enjoying Themselves” and practices always testify that activities have been RELEVANT - because they develop skills FOR RESULTS.  He is now offering the most popular subjects for purchase as EASY TO USE kits for D.I.Y. 


Call Rick on

 07831 345 373

to ensure you

get what you



Kits include: full instructions how to prepare, deliver and debrief; master copies of delegates briefs; all equipment and tools,

Teamwork in Action Behaviour Checklists for debriefs, all AND up to 10 copies of the book THINK ABOUT IT 


Rick will always discuss your needs and wishes with you before adapting and refining your Kit(s)

Follow the links below for descriptions of the seven kits currently available.



from £200

from £200

from £350

from £350

from £400

Anchor 1

To view a slide show of all (36) illustrations below, click on an arrow and to stop it and enlarge an image click on that image.

nb, all these photos were taken by Rick on customised Teambuilding events he designed and delivered for dental practices

 “The Moonlanding”

- indoors - 60 minutes - 4 to 6 in each of two or more competing teams - £200

A great task for helping team members engage with each other and learn and practise key skills - especially LISTENING, DEBATING and TEAMWORKING. In Part 1 individuals choose 12 out of 30 items to take with them on a mission to the moon and then, in Part 2, having made their individual choices, each team must discuss and AGREE on 12 items to take - and prioritise them! Teams then present and justify their decisions and the tutor leads a discussion trying to focus not on the decisions, but HOW teams debated and worked as a team - leading into serious reflection using the Teamwork Behaviour Checklists. 

The Moonlanding” is a popular OPENER or ICEBREAKER.

The Moonlanding

Part 3 (optional depending on numbers and time available) is where you try to achieve unanimous agreement between all TEAMS. NB: this rarely happens but illustrates how well teams stick together - even if they argued amongst themselves initially in Part 2 !

The D.I.Y. Kit includes the Assertiveness and Listening questionnaires.


Indoors 60 minutes - 6 to 10 delegates - £150


For Mindfulness, Reflection, Relationships - for details and special HALF PRICE OFFER see Think About It

In part 1, participants are issued with copies of the book (ideally a day or two before the meeting) and a brief on how to study it: eg, from each of the 6 Steps select 1 or 2 epigrams that are most relevant to them from their role in the practice and/or a personal point of view. Prepare to say WHY - and to also think about their colleagues who will be attending.

Part 2 is an "honest debate" where people learn about themselves including seeing themselves as others see them!

So that Rick can truly customise this task for your practice, please call him to discuss your people and goals.

How Good Are We

- indoors - 60 minutes approximately - ideally for the whole practice team - £200 for one application; £300 for two; £350 for all three

How Good ARE We ...?

(at Teamwork or Customer/Patient Care or Helping Patients to Buy)

The kit includes hard and digital copies of the relevant questionnaires and templates for collating results plus full instructions. And copies of either Teamwork in a dental practice or Helping Patients to Buy as well THINK ABOUT IT!

In preparation, ideally EVERY member of the practice team should anonymously complete a questionnaire scoring 12 "symptoms" of effective Teamwork (or Customer Care, or Helping Patients to Buy). Whoever is going to facilitate the training/practice meeting, then collates the scores to identify the team's strengths and weaknesses. The results are then presented to the team for discussion and debate and, hopefully, AGREEMENT on an action plan on how to improve.

"How Good Are We at Helping Patients to Buy" is for selected team members to develop their persuasiveness as relevant and the Kit includes copies for each delegate of the book "HELPING Patients to Buy"

Go to How Good Are We for more details and examples. NB: there is always SUBLIMINAL learning simply by team members studying and thinking about the 12 key symptoms of the subject and completing a form, even if they don't participate in the meeting.

half price teamwork


 buy the kits for How Good ARE We ...? (at TEAMWORK) (see above) and Personality Profiling (for TEAMWORK)  (see below) for just £200 for BOTH with customised input from Rick on how to make the most of them

Personality Profiling - for Dental Professionals - with Experiential Profiling

Personality Profiling

- indoors - 60 minutes - for up to 10 in one "sitting" - £200 for one application; £300 for two.

There are 5 applications - Leadership, Teamwork; HELPING Patients to Buy; the Persuasive Professional and Customer/Patient       Care. The kits for the first 4 include up to 10 copies of the relevant Self Help book and the kits for Customer/Patient Care                include explanatory notes.

     Everyone has a Bright side BUT everyone also has a Dark side! The purpose of Experiential Profiling is        not to “label” people, but to make them THINK - about themselves and, ideally, in group sessions, about each other. The process is designed to be “SERIOUS Fun” - see Experiential Profiling.

The facilitator issues laminated Reference Cards and explains the principles of Experiential Profiling (from detailed Tutor's Brief). Team members then pair up to each select 2 or 3 "Personality Types" from each of the Bright AND Dark sides that best describe how they believe they project as personalities. There is then a round table "group therapy" session with each individual learning HOW they can maximise their effectiveness.

The Lego Tower

The aim for this task is to maximise PROFIT. Each team is issued with a kit comprising a box of 120 mixed Lego pieces (identical for each team), a tape measure and three Profit Graphs illustrating how much money they would earn depending on how many bricks they use, the height of their tower and the time they take to build it. It requires real teamworking, especially in challenging the ASSUMPTIONS people WILL be making!

The Lego Tower

- indoors - 60 to 90 minutes - for teams of 4 to 6 - £350 for two kits - extra £50 each


- indoors - 60 to 90 minutes - for teams of 4 to 6 - £350 for two kits - extra £50 each


In this task teams, using Scrabble letters, have to make up words of specific lengths - with dental words counting double! Each competing team is issued with a box of Scrabble tiles (of equal value, but different mixes eg one team has many "E"s and another many "A"s) and they can add to these in a variety of ways - egs buying, or an auction between teams for valuable letters like a Z or a blank. Teams need to read the "small print" carefully to work out how to score highly - and again, watch out for the ASSUMPTIONS that will distract them! The aim of each team is to make more PROFIT than the others .

A Big Happy Team

One Big HAPPY Team


indoors & outdoors, 1 to 3 hours - 2 or more teams £400 for a 500 (or 600) piece jigsaw; £500 for a 1000 piece

Though competing to win, teams need to collaborate with each other to assemble a jigsaw in about an hour! The puzzle is split into 20 sections with teams allocated the sections they are responsible for; and each piece has a number on its back to help with assembly. But teams are not issued with their sections - they have to earn them by going on a “treasure hunt”! For a larger practice you can have 4 to 6 teams assembling between them a 1,000 piece puzzle!

NB: over the years Rick has tailor-made many variations of this task including teams building rafts to float a puzzle on a pond, or carry it up a mountain, or round an obstacle course! (There are images all over this site) So please feel free to ask him what he can do for you!

This is a great task for bringing everyone together and getting over the message that, no matter what your individual and “small team” roles might be in the practice, EVERYONE ALWAYS has to communicate and co-operate to achieve SHARED objectives.

nb keep your jigsaw to use again (break it back down into its 20 sections after use)

"Trying harder MAY be enough - but much better to think of DIFFERENT ways" (epigram 22 from the book "THINK ABOUT IT!")

Impetus Training, La Choza, 18 South Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 5LU - - 07831 345 373

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