Patients to Buy
boosting the persuasive skills of
ANY member of the practice team
This book is not about selling. It is about HELPING patients
I cannot ask for something I don't know exists
I wont ask for something I know is outrageously expensive
or something that frightens me, or will be painful
dentists only want to provide treatments to make lots of money
I have low expectations based on other practices
I like spending my money at my hairdressers
I know I have an ugly smile, so I try never to smile! etc, etc !!!
HELPING Patients to Buy is an easy and enjoyable read for any member of the team to learn about themselves and what TO DO to help their patients

Subjects covered in the book are:
Introduction - how good ARE we?
Empathy - inside the patient's mind; how to earn their respect
Establishing a patients TRUE needs (not what they say they "want"!)
Presenting NEW INFORMATION to patients - features, benefits
HELPING patients decide - "closing the sale"
Use and interpretation of Body Language
HELPING reluctant patients - assertiveness
HELPING patients over the telephone, including converting enquiries
Learning about yourself - your Bright AND Dark sides
PERSONALISATION of the book for YOUR practice TEAM
For a minimum of 5 copies of the book (discounted to £10.50 a copy) Rick will......
email you a pro-forma asking for a profile of your practice, especially the "selling" roles/expectations of different people
ask you for "case studies" of products, treatments, patient types you would like to sell to/change - and your "competition"
email you a “How good are we at Helping Patients to Buy” form for you to review in order to suggest more, fewer, different questions
draft from this information how he would recommend modifying book content to make it work for you and consult you as necessary