After many years of coaching leadership skills to people in many workplaces including Dentistry Rick has written, specifically for dental practices...
Normal Price £14.00 a copy and see below for special offers on boosting Leadership in YOUR practice
in a Dental Practice
This book is about dental practice TEAM leadership
- how to ensure harmony, efficiency, productivity,
PRIDE and fulfilment for ALL team members
1. The 7 Responsibilities of a team leader
2. ACTION Centred Leadersjip
3. MOTIVATING Individuals and teams
4. Problem solving and decision making
5. Experiential Leadership Profiling
6. Making it happen with TEAMWORK

72 pages - CLICK on this illustration of the cover to zoom in
The book is a practical guide for ANY team member who ever is responsible for HELPING their colleagues
It is not ONLY for "bosses"; it is for ANYONE who ever needs to accept the responsibility for helping others:
training, organising or even simply SETTING AN EXAMPLE to newer or less experienced colleagues
PERSONALISATION of the book for YOUR practice TEAM
For a minimum of 5 copies of the book (discounted to £10.50 a copy) Rick will
email you a pro-forma asking for a profile of your practice, especially the people with "leadership" roles, either formal (eg PM) or through experience, personality, setting examples, etc
email you a “How good are we at Teamwork” form for you to review in order to suggest more, fewer, DIFFERENT questions
draft how he would recommend modifying book content to make it work for you and consult you as necessary
The 7 Responsibilities of a Dental Practice Team Leader
1. Create and Communicate SHARED Objectives
2. Ensure Individuals know their VALUE as Contributors
3. Ensure individuals know how OTHERS Contribute
4. Communicate PROGRESS towards Shared Objectives
5. MOTIVATE appropriately - Recognise, Praise, Discipline
6. Consult Individuals and the Team - RESPECT them
7. Achieve a BALANCE between Task, Team and Individual
the book provides checklists and bullet points HOW to fulfill each responsibility
BOOSTING Leadership in your practice - INEXPENSIVELY - 3 special offers
Buy the three books: this one + JANUS creative planning for dental professionals and THINK ABOUT IT! for £18 - including guidance from Rick (telephone, email) on how to use them in your circumstances.
or - two hours Personal Coaching in the practice from Rick (one or two people) including all three books (each) for £300
or Buy this book plus THINK ABOUT IT! for £15 - including guidance from Rick on how to use them.