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Synergy and teamWORKING - how to make a practice teamWORK!

"Shared Objectives" is a definition of TEAMWORK and "Share, Care and Communicate" are the three ingedients that must all be in place to optimise teamworking in the practice. All is explained in the book "TEAMWORK in a dental practice"

see below if you like the idea of a bespoke teambuilding event designed and delivered by Rick

SHARED Objectives? People in different roles (egs nurse, receptionist, dentist) are PROUD to contribute to the SAME objectives like reduce patient waiting time; sell more implants, whatever (DISCUSS) and they can all feel the same PRIDE in THEIR practice

60 pages - CLICKon this illustration of the cover to zoom in


How to make a practice team WORK !

A guide for ANYONE who ever needs to communicate and co-operate with others - EVERYONE in a dental practice! It includes: How good are we at teamwork? and Teamwork Behaviour and Listening Techniques checklists



PERSONALISATION of the book for YOUR practice TEAM

For a minimum of 5 copies of the book (discounted to £10.50 a copy) Rick will......

  • email you a pro-forma asking for a profile of your practice - structure, goals, challenges, people profiles, experience, etc

  • ask you for "case studies" of real patients - individuals or types (but not real names!)

  • email you a  “How good are we at Teamwork” form for you to review in order to suggest more, fewer, differentquestions 

  • draft from this information how he would recommend modifying book content to make it work for you and consult you as necessary with queries or ideas and then send you drafts of his recommendations

"I, Rick the author, was refuelling my car one day when, across the forecourt, a male voice shouted the words "share, care, communicate" at me! When our cars were no longer thirsty, he reminded me that we had met 10 years ago at a VT Conference in Devon and from my teambuilding sessions remembered me asking delegates to shout out those words - in a Liverpool accent!

“I asked if he could also recall their meaning and he replied that he not only remembered them but, because he now owned his own practice, he was actively applying all the principles - and they were working!”

“Share, Care, Communicate” is a practical book

showing HOW to be a good team member:

HOW to Share - HOW to Care

and HOW to Communicate!


An Option is a TeamBUILDING event designed and delivered by Rick - for your practice team

Bespoke from Rick

"Social" events for bonding and developing relationships, are ok as long as EVERY member of the team wants do whatever it is! But  these can often cost considerably more than one of Rick's Teambuilding days - which are positioned  as "SERIOUS FUN" work events that are MORE enjoyable than any social outing but are focussed on the shared objectives and 100% RELEVANT.

Images all over this site illustrate dental teams having SERIOUS FUN which Rick can guarantee by, in preparation, consulting not only Principals/Managers but as many team members as possible, so he learns their shared objectives to enable all content to be 100% RELEVANT - and only activities that ALL team members WANT to do are included - AND team members choose the venue as well.

If teams exitedly look forward to THEIR day, success is guaranteed - inexpensively - for an event team members will remember and talk about for years! £950 for up to 10 (extra £100 each)

or a half day event including How Good Are WE at Teamwork and Experiential Profiling from £750 

"Trying harder MAY be enough - but much better to think of DIFFERENT ways" (epigram 22 from the book "THINK ABOUT IT!")

Impetus Training, La Choza, 18 South Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 5LU - - 07831 345 373

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