Personality Profiling for dental professionals that is easy, fun and EFFECTIVE
5 applications, each tailor-made to a different interactive SKILL SET needed by dental professionals
An interactive feedback system which identifies how to maximise success; it is tailor-made to individual roles by transforming the key elements of that role into a checklist of HOW TO DO IT - brilliantly AND BADLY !!!

Unlike other forms of profiling or psychometric testing, Experiential Profiling shows users WHAT TO DO in order to improve their productivity and RESULTS
How Experiential Profiling Works
It is, in effect, a form of “Job Description”!
For each application, the 12 profiles (6 Bright and 6 Dark) between them describe all the good ways to behave (and what NOT to do!) to be effective in the role being described, egs: positive body language, always consults others AND all the common faults that inhibit success egs: resists change, impatient, impulsive, speaks before thinking!
The Learning is in 3 Ways
Subliminally - the good behaviours are repeated throughout the Bright side profiles, so participants learn from the process itself, eg - that listening or positive body language is required
Acknowledging what you, as a unique individual, HAVE TO DO to boost your success
Learning to see yourself AS OTHERS SEE YOU - this is best done openly in a group with teammates saying what "label" they think best suits themself and each other (usually with much laughter!) but can be done anonymously, eg, writing on cards.
It is also non-threatening! No-one is obliged to tell the truth to others about themselves! As an epigram from the "THINK ABOUT IT!" says: “It is ok to lie or make excuses to others, but always be honest with YOURSELF!”
Key to Experiential Profiling is that NO-ONE is only one type and some will say “I think I am a bit of all of them” (But because this is often to get out of actually choosing, the reply should be “yes, but none of us are the same, so you must be honest with yourself and select one or two (maybe even three) that are your DOMINANT characteristics”
The objective of Experiential Profiling is NOT to “Label” ourselves or others, but to THINK ABOUT ourselves and others in our work roles

Experiential Profiling is easy to learn and very effective! The Bright and Dark sides are presented on opposite sides of a reference card with instructions tailored to each application.
We offer 5 applications for dental practices:
When buying a D.I.Y. Kit "Personality Profiling" the price includes a consultation with Rick Whitehead so he can edit as required the profiles of the Types on the Bright and Dark sides to the needs of your intended participants - what they should and should not DO in order to be successful in YOUR practice.
Personalised for YOUR Practice
A D.I.Y. kit "Personality Profiling" is £200 for one application or £300 for two and these kits include full (tailor-made) tutors briefs and a pack of 10 Reference Cards for each application. Packs of laminated Cards bought separately are £20 for a pack of 10, including instructions
a 4 hour bespoke workshops delivered by Rick is
£750 for up to 6 team members, extra £50 each
Where we include Experiential Profiling in bespoke training of any kind, eg, Teambuilding, it is a NO-COST option.
Experiential Profiling events are a stress-free and enjoyable way for team members to analyse HOW they perform at work
- and how they can all improve -
The Reference Cards for each Application are on A5 size laminated cards with the BRIGHT side on one side and the DARK side on the other. Below is an example of the first two types on each side of the CUSTOMER / PATIENT CARE referencecard.

The other four DARK side types are:

The other four BRIGHT side types are:
Would you like a very special tailor-made TEAMBUILDING DAY maybe incorporating THINK ABOUT IT and or Experiential Profiling? Drop me an email and we can negotiate!