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How Well Do YOU Listen?

Below are the first two of three self analysis quizzes. The third comprises 10 “Bad Listening Habits” for people to rate themselves from a choice of 5 ratings for each one.


They then refer to a Key to score themselves for each Habit (or change papers with a colleague to score each other) and finally study a “Profile Analysis” to compare themselves with thousands of others who have completed the questionnaire.

This exercise can be included in D.I.Y. or Bespoke packages and is also available to purchase - pack of 20 for £20.


"Trying harder MAY be enough - but much better to think of DIFFERENT ways" (epigram 22 from the book "THINK ABOUT IT!")

Impetus Training, La Choza, 18 South Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 5LU - - 07831 345 373

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